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Home The News Ruidera lagoons are not dry
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Ruidera lagoons are not dry

Visitors are surprised when they travel from Ruidera and observe that Laguna del Rey is not dry, as it was told.

It is true, Lagunas de Ruidera are not dry but they suffer the after effects of last year long period of draught , meanwhile this winter rainfalls –tough quite generous- have not been sufficient to completely refill the aquifer which feeds them.

Several of the lagoons, like del Rey or La Colgada, have kept their water levels untouched, while others such as Conseja, Tomilla, Tinaja, Salvadora, Santos Morcilla or Batana have experienced a decrease in their most favourable levels; contrary to La Blanca, Redondilla or Lengua which have suffered longer draught.

Shortage and abundance water regimes in the Nature Reserve are frequent and today we cannot enjoy its waterfalls and torrents linking one lagoon to the other, but we may spend a good time with the rest of the Reserve and its natural resources, including water.

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