Manchegan Renaissance: Villanueva de los Infantes | Print |
One of the biggest tourist attractions Ruidera offers is Villanueva de los Infantes, a village that proudly preserves its inheritance.  It was granted the condition of Artistic and Historical Compilation in 1974.

While walking across its streets, visitors will notice houses with grand entrances or porticos, palaces, convents, its Main Square, the cell where Quevedo expired as well as countless craft and epicurean surprises.

We recommend a visit to the Office of Tourism in the Main Square in order to gather information and organize your visit.

Our tour may be completed with a visit to the near village of San Carlos del Valle, some 26 km away, to contemplate its beautiful baroque Square which is a National Monument.

To reach Infantes going from Ruidera, we have to take highway N-430 towards Manzanares, at about 12 km there is a crossing point and this one will take us straight to our destination: CARRIZOSA / VILLANUEVA DE LOS INFANTES.  Total distance: roughly 30 km.

Municipal Tourism Office.

Mayor Square

Phone Number. 926 36 13 21