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Home Barren plains in Albacete
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Barren plains and lagoons in Albacete PDF  | Print |  E-mail
Towards the eastern part of the Nature Reserve, a vast territory of barren plains and savin forests stretches resulting quite interesting for nature lovers.  This territory is the natural refuge of an important colony of birds from barren plains: wild turkeys, godarts, little pin-tailed grouses, hazel grouses and different species of eaglets.

In this rough space, though enclosing plenty attractions, we can find some important wetlands like the salt fields in Pinilla river or the Laguna de los Ojos de Villaverde.

Villages like El Bonillo, El Ballestero, Lezuza or Robledo become into a reference for this route which stretches through barren plains, savin forests and wetlands.