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Lagunas de Ruidera

Home The Man in the lagoons
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The Man in the lagoons – Laguna Tinaja
The passing of different cultures and civilizations through the High Guadiana Valley has left its print, though barely studied vestiges are not numerous at present times it is possible to establish a historical chronology since all these bodies of water represented a great attraction to our ancestors.

There is evidence of inhabitants dwelling there during the Low Paleolithic, like stone tools made by nomad tribes that received the benefits of multiple choices of game and fishing yielded by the lagoons.  It is in the Neolithic period where various archaeological finds have been dated (Castillejos, Motillas, ancient pictures…) as well as from Iberian, Roman, Visigoth, Muslim and Christian times up to present days.

Torrentera de Pie de enmedio

Torrentera de Pie de enmedio Torrentera de Pie de enmedio

Panorámica Laguna Tinaja

Panorámica Laguna Tinaja Panorámica Laguna Tinaja

Panorámica Laguna Tinaja

Panorámica Laguna Tinaja Panorámica Laguna Tinaja

Grabados esquemáticos en Laguna Tinaja

Grabados esquemáticos en Laguna Tinaja Grabados esquemáticos en Laguna Tinaja

Laguna Tinaja: Ruipérez

Laguna Tinaja: Ruipérez Laguna Tinaja: Ruipérez

Terrazas tobáceas en Laguna Tinaja

Terrazas tobáceas en Laguna Tinaja Terrazas tobáceas en Laguna Tinaja

Panorámica Laguna Tinaja

Panorámica Laguna Tinaja Panorámica Laguna Tinaja