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Lagunas de Ruidera

Home Traditional Advantages
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Traditional advantages - Laguna Redondilla
The use and profit of natural resources has marked the evolution of human being in his struggle for subsistence.

Early inhabitants that settled in the lagoons were captivated by the abundance of game, fishing, and vegetable species to harvest this privileged ecosystem offered them, later this was coupled with agriculture.

Benefits still exist nowadays and others which in greater or lessen extent can be found are mining, picking of kindling-wood, lime pits and harvesting of esparto and fragrant plants, thus being forms of local economy.

The introduction of hydraulic engineering in the lagoons intended to take advantage of its water flows represented a revolution, proliferation of mills to manufacture wool, others to grind cereals, and during the course of time small power houses were built to generate electricity.  All this improved life and economy of the High Guadiana Valley through various historic periods until the beginning of tourism, which today has become the region’s main profit.

Laguna Redondilla

Laguna Redondilla Laguna Redondilla

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